
22. Gaussian fluctuations for the elephant random walk with gradually increasing memory
      R. Aguech and M. El Machkouri
      J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024) 065203 (18pp)

21. On Wasserstein-1 distance in the central limit theorem for elephant random walk
      X. Ma, M. El Machkouri and X. Fan.
      J. Math. Phys. 63, n°1, Paper No. 013301, 13 pp, 2022.

20. On a class of recursive estimators for spatially dependent observations
      M. El Machkouri and L. Reding.
      Electronic Journal of Statistics Vol. 15, Issue 2 (Jan 2021), pg(s) 4580-4624

19. On the Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression estimator for irregularly spaced spatial data
      M. El Machkouri, X. Fan and L. Reding.
      Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 205, 92-114, 2020.

18. Stable limits for Markov chains via the principle of conditionning
      M. El Machkouri, A. Jakubowski and D. Volny.
      Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 130, 1853-1878, 2020.

17. Recursive kernel density estimation for time series
      A. Aboubacar and M. El Machkouri.
      IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 66, n°10, 6378–6388, 2020.

16. On local linear regression for strongly mixing random fields
      M. El Machkouri, K. Es-Sebaiy and I. Ouassou.
     Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 103-115, 156, 2017.

15. Parameter estimation for the non-ergodic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by Gaussian process
      M. El Machkouri, K. Es-Sebaiy and Y. Ouknine.
      Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 329-341, 45, No 3, 2016.

14. Orthomartingale-coboundary decomposition for stationary random fields
      M. El Machkouri and D. Giraudo.
      Stochastics and Dynamics, 16, 1650017 (2016) [28 pages].

13. Kernel density estimation for stationary random fields
      M. El Machkouri.
      ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 259-279, 16, No 11 (1), 2014.

12. On the asymptotic normality of frequency polygons for random fields
      M. El Machkouri.
      Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 193-206, 16, No 3, 2013.

11. A central limit theorem for stationary random fields
      M. El Machkouri, D. Volný and W. B. Wu.
      Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 1-14, 123, 2013.

10. Asymptotic normality of the Parzen-Rosenblatt density estimator for strongly mixing random fields
     M. El Machkouri.
     Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 73-84, 14, No 1, 2011.

9. Asymptotic normality of kernel estimates in a regression model for random fields
    M. El Machkouri and R. Stoica.
    Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 955-971, 22, No 8, 2010.

8. A criterion of weak mixing property
    E.H. El Abdalaoui, M. El Machkouri and A. Nogueira
    Séminaires et congrès de la SMF, 105-111, 20, 2010.

7. Berry-Esseen's central limit theorem for non-causal linear processes in Hilbert space
    M. El Machkouri
    African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics, 81-86, 10, No 2, 2010.

6. Exact convergence rates in the central limit theorem for a class of martingales
    M. El Machkouri and L. Ouchti.
    Bernoulli, 981-999, 13, No 4, 2007.

5. Nonparametric regression estimation for random fields in a fixed-design
    M. El Machkouri.
    Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 29-47, 10, No 1, 2007.

4. Invariance principles for standard-normalized and self-normalized random fields
    M. El Machkouri and L. Ouchti.
    ALEA, 177-194, 2, 2006.

3. On the local and central limit theorems for martingale difference sequences
    M. El Machkouri and D. Volný.
    Stochastics and Dynamics, 1-21, 4, No 2, 2004.

2. Contre-exemple dans le théorème limite central fonctionnel pour les champs aléatoires réels
    M. El Machkouri et D. Volný.
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics, 325-337, 39, No 2, 2003.

1. Kahane-Khintchine inequalities and functional central limit theorem for stationary real random fields
    M. El Machkouri.
    Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 285-299, 120, 2002.