Research of Vlad Stefan BARBU
- Research Topics
- Affiliations
- Research Grants
- Research Visits and Sabbatical Leave
- Research Oriented Courses Abroad
- Other Scientific Activities
Research Topics
- semi-Markov and Hidden semi-Markov processes
- Markov and Hidden Markov processes
- statistical inference for stochastic processes, parametric and nonparametric estimation, hypotheses testing
- nonparametric functional regression with dependent noise
- stochastic methods in reliability and survival analysis
- biostatistics, stochastic methods for DNA modelling
- entropy and divergence measures for Markov type stochastic processes
- model selection
- applications: R packages, reliability and survival analysis, economy and finance, energy studies, logistics
- member of the French Statistical Society-SFdS (elected member of the Council of the group Reliability and Uncertainty)
- member of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics-SPSR (elected scientic secretary)
- member of the Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics-ROMAI (elected vice-president)
Research Grants
- 2024-2025: coordinator of the project Reliability and Survival Analysis of Multi-State Random Systems: Theory and Applications; financed by the INGENIUM university alliance; 4 research organisms involved.
- 2022-2025: team leader for LMRS in the ANR project Hidden Semi Markov Models: INference, Control and Applications (HSMM-INCA); coordinator N. Peyrard (MIAT, INRAE Toulouse); financed by the French National Agency for Research (ANR); 4 research organisms involved.
- 2020-2024 : participant in the ANR project Swimming and Para-swimming: All United for our Champions (In French: NePTUNE-Natation et Paranatation: Tous Unis pour Nos Élites); coordinator Ludovic Seifert (CETAPS, URN); Financed by the French National Agency for Research (ANR); 10 research organisms and 2 sport national federations involved.
- 2020-2022 : participant in the project Automatic human eye-tracking; co-financed by the French National Agency of Research (ANR) and the Regional Council of Normandy; coordinator L. Seifert (CETAPS, URN); 3 research organisms involved.
- 2019-2022: participant in the regional project Future of the merchandise, towards a "Glocal" logistic chain (In French Futur de la marchandise, vers une chaîne logistique "Glocale"); coordinators Claude Duvallet (Univ. of Le Havre - Normandy), Roland Condor (School of Management of Normandy), Jérôme Verny (Neoma Business School); 6 research organisms involved.
- 05/2019-02/2020; 10/2020-07/2021: participant in the project POCU-126766 Quality in the Higher Education: Internationalization and databases for developing the Romanian education; Financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Research; coordinator Cezar Hâj (UEFISCDI).
- 2016-2019: participant in the structuring project Random Models and Statistical Tools, Informatics and Combinatorics (In French: MOUSTIC-Modèles aléatoires et Outils Statistiques, Informatiques et Combinatoires), within the Large Scale Research Network Logistics - Mobility - Digital Information from the Region of Normandy, France; project coordinators Jean-Baptiste Bardet (LMRS-University of Rouen - Normandy) and Jean-Gabriel Luque (LITIS-University of Rouen - Normandy); 6 research organisms involved.
- 20162020 : participant in the project DAISIData science: methodology and applications ; project coordinator A. Rakotomamonjy; 5 research organisms involved and 2 participant partners.
- 2015-2018: participant in the structuring project Complex Systems, Territorial Intelligence and Mobility (In French: XTERM-Systèmes complexes, intelligence territoriale et mobilité) within the Large Scale Research Network Logistics - Mobility - Digital Information from the Region of Normandy, France; project coordinators Cyrille Bertelle (LITIS, University of Le Havre) and Patricia Sajous (IDEES, University of Le Havre); 14 research organisms from 8 institutions.
- 2014-2016: participant in the project Inference under Dependent Observations and Applications (In French: ISODA-Inférence Statistique sous Observations Dépendantes et Applications) within the Large Scale Research Network Logistics - Mobility - Digital Information from the Region of Normandy, France; project coordinator Serge Pergamenchtchikov (LMRS, University of Rouen); 3 research organisms.
- 2014-2015: coordinator of the project Mathematical Methods for System Reliability and Survival Analysis (In French: MMATFAS-Méthodes Mathématiques pour la Fiabilité des Systèmes et l'Analyse de Survie), within the Large Scale Research Network Logistics - Mobility - Digital Information from the Region of Normandy, France; 3 research laboratories from University of Rouen involved (Group of Physics of Materials, Laboratory of Microbiology - Signals and Microenvironment, Laboratory of Mathematics Raphaël Salem).
- 2010-2013: team leader for LMRS of the structuring project Interaction Networks and Complex Systems (In French: RISC-Réseaux d'Interaction et Systèmes Complexes) within the Large Scale Research Network Transport, Logistics and Technology of Information from the Region of Normandy, France; coordinators of the project Cyrille Bertelle (LITIS, University of Le Havre) and M.A. Aziz-Alaoui (LMAH, University of Le Havre); 11 research organisms involved.
- 2011-2012: team leader for LMRS of the project Monetary Evaluation of the Impact of Erosive Runoff (In French: EMIRE-Évaluation Monétaire des Impacts du Ruissellement Érosif) within the Large Scale Research Network Vegetal, Agronomics and Transformation of Agro-resources from the Region of Normandy, France; coordinators of the project Dimitri Laroutis (ESITPA - UniLaSalle - Site Rouen; currently with the School of Management of Normandy, Le Havre, France).
Research Visits and Sabbatical Leaves
- 2023-2024: Sabbatical leave of 1 semester granted by the French National Centre for Scientic Research (In French: CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientique)
- July 2022: visit to the ENSA d'El Jadida, Morocco, work with Professor L. Hammadi
- 2019-2020 : Sabbatical leave of 1 semester granted by INRIA, MODAL team (MOdel for Data Analysis and Learning), Inria Lille - Nord Europe
- visit to the University of the Athens, Greece (November 2017), work with Professor S. Trevezas
- 2017-2018: Sabbatical leave granted by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (In French: CNRS-Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
- visit to the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics "Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" of Romanian Academy, Bucureşti, Romania (January and February 2017, February 2018), work with Professor V. Preda
- visit to the University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece (April 2016), work with Professor A. Karagrigoriou
- visit to the University Politehnica of Bucureşti, Romania (January 2013, March 2014, October-November 2014, January 2015, October 2015), work with Professor P. A. Ulmeanu and Professor V. Tanasiev
- visit to the Polytechnic University of Athens and of the University of Athens, Greece (June 2013, December 2013, September 2015); work with Professor A. Karagrogoriou and Professor S. Trevezas
- visit to the University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy (January 2012, December 2012, September 2014); work with Professor R. Manca
- visit to the University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy (December 2011, January 2012); work with Professor G. D'Amico
- visit to the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus (October 2012, October 2013); work with Professor A. Karagrogoriou
- 2012-2013: Sabbatical leave granted by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (In French: CNRS-Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
Research-Oriented Courses Abroad
- 23-28/10/2018: Course Statistical inference and information theory for Markov and semi-Markov processes within the framework of the Autumn School organized by the Laboratory of Stochastic Models, Statistics and Applications of the University Dr. Moulay Tahar of Saida, Algeria, in collaboration with the International Center of Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA; In French: Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées); 14h of lectures, around 30 participants (Master and PhD level, permanent Professors)
- 22-28/06/2018: Summer School R and Big Data Analytics (RaBDA2018) of the University Aegean, Samos, Geece; closing lecture of the school Advances and future challenges in big data analytics with R;
- 6-15/04/2016: Erasmus mobility to the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece; course Statistical Problems for Markov and semi-Markov Processes
- 7-11/09/2015: Course within the framework of the Doctoral School of Mathematics, organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University the Mentouri Brothers (Frères Mentouri) of Constantine, Algeria; course Markov Processes, Semi-Markov Processes and Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models - Statistical Topics and Applications
- 1-9/07/2015: Regional Romanian-French Summer School in Applied Mathematics, co-organised by the University of Bucureşti, ENS-Cachan, ENS-Bucureşti, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Mathematical Foundation Jacques Hadamard, Francophone University Association; course Markov Processes, Semi-Markov Processes and Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models - Statistical Topics and Applications
Other Scientific Activities
- 2008-2009: translation from French into English of the book Modèles Stochastiques, by M. Iosifescu, N. Limnios, G. Oprişan, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2007 (Introduction to Stochastic Models, ISTE - Wiley, 2010)
- February-June 2007: presentations within the Working group in Statistics of Laboratory of Mathematics Raphaël Salem of University of Rouen (two meetings per month, in average)
- Participation in the editorial process of Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 33 (3), 2004, Special issue, Semi-Markov Processes: Theory and Applications (ed. N. Limnios)