Scientific expertise
- statistics and probability: (semi-)Markov and Hidden (semi-)Markov processes; estimation for stochastic processes; hypotheses testing; entropy and divergence measures
- stochastic methods in reliability and survival analysis
- biostatistics, stochastic methods for DNA modelling
- articial intelligence, machine learning
- higher education policies in the European higher education area
- applications: development of software R packages (four available packages SMM, drimmR, smmR, dsmmR); economy and finance; energy studies; logistics
External evaluation/project reviewing and consultancies
- 2023: External evaluator for HEI Initiative : Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education, coordinated by EIT-European Institute of Innovation and Technology, RawMaterials: evaluator for 3 projects, rapporteurs for 3 projects
- 2021: External evaluator for Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia: evaluator for 4 projects, rapporteurs for 2 projects; Reference number SFRS/Call/2019/02, Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers (PROMIS)
- 2019-2020: External evaluator for Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia: evaluator for 4 projects, rapporteurs for 3 projects; Reference number SFRS/Call/2020/03, Program IDEAS
- 2020: External evaluator for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada: evaluator for 1 project; Discovery Grant proposal
- 2014: External reviewer for French National Research Agency (ANR): evaluator for 1 project; Program: Conception, Pilotage, Robotics, Signal and Images
- 07/2022-09/2022: Expert in institutional financing for the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Research
- 01/2021-07/2021 and 10/2021-03/2022: Expert in multidimensional prediction for the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Research
- 10/2020-04/2021 and 10/2021-01/2022: Expert in methodology and analysis of indicators for monitoring higher education institutions for the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Research
- 05/2019-11/2019 and 09/2019-02/2020: Expert for the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Research
Editing and reviewing activity
- 2020-2021: editor of the special issue Stochastic Models and Methods with Applications of the journal Mathematics
- reviewer for books: Springer, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Elsevier
- reviewer for more than 20 international scientific journals