Responsibilities of Vlad Stefan BARBU
- starting from 01/2023: director of the Research Federation Normandy-Mathematics
- starting from 11/2022: scientic secretary of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics
- starting from 2022: co-responsible (with Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin) of the double Bachelor's Degree Economy-Mathematics of URN
- starting from 2021: elected vice-president of the Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
- starting from 2020: responsible of the International Relations for LMRS
- starting from 2018: elected member of the Council of the group Reliability and Uncertainty of the French Statistical Society (SFdS)
- starting from 2017: elected member of the Council of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics
- 2016-2022: elected member of the National Council of Statistics and Prediction of Higher Education (CNSPIS) of the Romanian Ministry of National Education
- since 2009: elected member of the Council of the LMRS, University of Rouen - Normandy
- starting from 2018 and 2009-2012: member of the Council of the Research Federation Normandy Mathematics
- member of several PhD defence Committees and PhD follow-up committees in France and abroad
- elected member of several Selection Committees for positions of Associate Professors in France
- 2014: implementation of an Erasmus program between the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rouen - Normandy and the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean, Greece
- 2013: implementation of an Erasmus program between the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rouen - Normandy and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Cyprus
- 2010-2012: elected member of the Consultative Commission of Specialists at University of Rouen - Normandy, sections CNU 25 (Mathematics) - 26 (Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics)
- 2008-2014: coordinator of the Working group in Statistics of LMRS, University of Rouen - Normandy (two meetings per month, in average)
- 2007-2009: coordinator of the 1st year of Professional Master in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, University of Rouen - Normandy
- 2007-2012: member of the Council of the Department of Mathematics of University of Rouen - Normandy (appointed member during 2007-2008, elected member during 2008-2012)
Participation in the Organization of Conferences
- co-chair of the international workshop StatMod-Statistical Modeling with Applications: 2024, Belgrade (co-chairs B. MILOŠEVIĆ, V. Preda) ; 2023, Bucarest (co-chairs C. Chesneau, V. Preda,) ; 2022, Bucarest (co-chair V. Preda) ; 2021, Rouen (co-chairs C. Chesneau, V. Preda) ; 2020, Bucarest (co-chair V. Preda)
- member of the organizing committee of the conference Mathematical Meetings in Rouen (Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen): 2024 (Statistical Models for Dependent Data and Applications;; 2017 (The Sixth International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies); 2012 (An International Workshop on Sequential Methods and Their Applications); 2010 (Statistics under Dependent Observations and Applications)
- member of the scientific committee of the annual Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics: 2024 (Timișoara) , 2023, 2022, 2019, 2018 (Bucureşti), 2017 (Braşov)
- 2023: member of the scientic and organizing committee of the conference Processus markoviens, semi-markoviens et leurs applications, Montpellier, June 5-7, 2023;
- 2023: co-chair (with L. Bunescu, L. I. Cădariu-Brăiloiu, R. Rughiniş, B. Voicu) of the workshop The World in the Era of Deep Tech: The Role of Big Data and Articial Intelligence in Addressing Societal Challenges, within the framework of the Smart Diaspora 2023 event, Timişoara, April 10-13, 2023
- 2021: member of the international organizing committee of 22nd European Young Statisticians Meeting, Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Athens, 6-10/9/2021;
- 2018: co-chair (with J-B. Bardet) of the international workshop STODEP - Statistical topics and stochastic models for dependent data; applications in reliability, survival analysis and related fields, University of Rouen-Normandy, France, 3-5/10/2018;
- member of the scientific committee of the conference Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis: 2019 (Florence, Italy), 2017 (London, United-Kingdom), 2015 (Piraeus, Greece), 2013 (Mataro, Spain), 2011 (Rome, Italy);
- member of the scientific committee of the conference Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis: 2018 (Chania, Crete, Greece), 2016 (La Valette, Malta) 2014 (Lisbon, Portugal), 2012, 2010 (Chania, Crete, Greece);
- 2018: co-organizer of two sessions during the 21th Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics, Bucureşti, Romania,
- 2017: co-organizer of two sessions during the 20th Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics, Braşov, Romania,
- co-organiser (with the Department of Mathematical Methods and Models and the Department of Power Generation and Use, Laboratory of Reliability, University Politehnica of Bucureşti, Romania, of the workshop Research Challenges in Intelligent Energy Systems-Mathematical Models and Applications: 7/05/2016 (University Politehnica of Bucureşti, Romania)
- member of the organizing committee of the workshop IEEE Workshop on Integration of Stochastic Energy in Power Systems: 7/11/2013 (University Politehnica of Bucureşti, Romania)
- member of the scientific committee of the conference Markov and Semi-Markov Processes & Related Fields: 20-23/09/2011 (Thessaloniki, Greece); organizer of a session
- co-organizer (with N. Limnios, University of Technology of Compiègne) of a session in the conference International Workshop in Applied Probability: 5-8/07/2010 (Madrid, Spain)
- organizer of a session in the conference Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management: 8-11/02/2010 (Beer Sheva, Israel)
- member of the scientific committee of the conference Third International Symposium on semi-Markov Models - Theory and Applications: 17-19/06/2009 (Cagliari, Italy)
- member of the organizing committee of the conference International Workshop on Applied Probability: 7-10/07/2008 (University of Technology of Compiègne, France)