Non-reflecting boundary conditions and domain decomposition methods for industrial flow acoustics

Jeudi 8 décembre 2022, 11:30

Salle de séminaires du LMRS

Christophe Geuzaine

Montefiore, Université de Liège

Abstract. This talk is devoted to non-overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition methods for the resolution of high frequency flow acoustics problems of industrial relevance. First, we will present recent advances on non-reflecting boundary techniques that provide local approximations to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for convected and heterogeneous time-harmonic wave propagation problems. Then we will show how to adapt a generic domain decomposition framework to flow acoustics, based on these newly designed transmission conditions, and highlight the benefit of the approach on the simulation of three-dimensional noise radiation of a high by-pass ratio turbofan engine intake.