
Turbulent transport in stochastic fluid dynamics

Mardi 7 mai 2024, 11:30 à 12:30

Salle de séminaire du LMRS


Ecole Normale Supérieure de Pise, Italie

The talk will review recent progress on turbulent transport based on Ito-Stratonovich calculus. The general principle is a new way to reformulate turbulent transport as an additional diffusion, by taking a suitable scaling limit based on stochastic calculus. The idea has been applied with success to several problems, like the transport in passive scalars, transport of passive vector fields (like the magnetic field), the effect of turbulence on coalescence of droplets, the effect of turbulent small scales on the large scales of the fluid itself. In general it gives information of a certain physical interest and in a few particular cases it also provides regularization by noise results. Some general ideas have been summarized in the recent monograph 


[1] F. Flandoli, E. Luongo, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Fluid Mechanics, LNM 2330, Springer, Singapore 2023.