Around dominating sets: graphs and games
Salle de séminaires LMRS
GREYC, Université de Caen
During this talk, we will discuss various topics around dominating sets
and variants of the problem. In a graph, a vertex is said to dominate
itself and its neighbors. A dominating set is a set of vertices that
altogether dominates the whole graph.
The basic problem of dominating sets is already a very rich problem. We
will present an hint of the kind of result that we expect already. Then,
we should consider two variations of the problem. The first one is
motivated by the applied problem of supervising an electrical network.
The second is a game variation of the problem where opponents select a
dominating set with opposite goals.
The objective of this talk is rather to survey the kind of research I am
interested in for possible collaboration rather than going deeply into
the technical details of a topic.