Publications Mustapha MOURRAGUI


  • Kuoch, K, Mourragui. M, Saada, E. : A boundary driven generalised contact process with exchange of particles: hydrodynamics in infinite volume. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 127, N. 1,  p.135–178. (2017)  [HAL]
  • Large deviations of the empirical current for the boundary driven Kawasaki process with long range interaction. Mourragui M. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 11 (2) 2014. p. 643-678. [PDF]
  • Hitting times of rare events in boundary driven symmetric simple exclusion processes. Benois, O., Landim, C., Mourragui, M. Journal of Statistical Physics. Volume 153, Issue 6. 2013. p. 967-990. [arxiv]
  • Boundary driven Kawasaki process with long-range interaction: dynamical large deviations and steady states. Mourragui, M., Orlandi, E. Nonlinearity volume 26 2013. p. 141-175. [HAL]
  • Quenched large deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac interaction and Random Field. Benois, O., Mourragui, M., Orlandi, E., Saada, E., Triolo, L. Markov Processes Relat. Fields volume 18 2012. p. 215-268. [HAL]
  • Hydrostatics and dynamical large deviations of boundary driven gradient symmetric exclusion processes. Farfan, J., Landim, C., Mourragui, M. Stoch. Proc. Appl. volume 121, N. 4. 2011. p. 725-758. [HAL]
  • Dynamical large deviations for the boundary driven weakly asymmetric exclusion process. Bertini, L., Landim, C., Mourragui, M. Ann. Probab. volume 37, N. 6. 2009. p. 2357-2403. [arxiv]
  • Lattice gas model in random medium and open boundaries: hydrodynamic and relaxation to the steady state. Mourragui, M., Orlandi, E. Journal of Statistical Physics. Volume 6. 2009. p. 685-714. [HAL]
  • Large deviations from a macroscopic scaling limit for particle systems with Kac interaction and random potential. Mourragui M., Orlandi E. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré, Probabilitès, Volume 43. 2007. p. 677-715. [pdf]
  • Hydrodynamics of a driven lattice gas with open boundaries: The asymmetric simple exclusion. Benois, O., Esposito, R., Marra, R., Mourragui, M. Markov Processes and Relat. Fields. Volume 10. 2004. p. 89-112. [pdf]
  • Macroscopic evolution of particle systems with random field Kac interaction. Mourragui, M. Orlandi, E. and Saada, E. Nonlinearity. Institute of Physics Publishing. Volume 16. 2003. p. 2123-2147.
  • Hydrodynamical limit for a nongradient interacting particle system with stochastic reservoirs. Landim C., Mourragui M., Sellami S. Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen. Probab. Volume 45, N. 4. 2000. p. 694-717.
  • Hydrodynamical limit for a nongradient interacting particle system with stochastic reservoirs. Landim C., Mourragui M., Sellami S. Translation in Theory Probab. Appl. Volume 45, N. 4. 2002. p. 604-623.
  • Phase segregation dynamics for the Blume-Capel model with Kac interaction. Marra R., Mourragui M. Stoch. Proc. Appl. Volume 88. 2000. p. 79-124. [pdf]
  • Hydrodynamic limit of mean zero asymmetric zero range processes in infinite volume. Landim, C., Mourragui, M. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré. Volume 33, N. 1. 1997. p. 361-385.
  • Entropie relative et comportement hydrodynamique des processus de sauts, de naissances et de morts. Mourragui, M. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré. Volume 32, N. 3. 1996. p. 361-385
  • Limite hydrodynamique d'un processus de sauts, de naissances et de morts. Mourragui, M. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Volume 316, N. 3. 1993. p. 921-924.


  • Hydrodynamic behavior and large deviations of boundary driven exclusion processes in dimension d1. Farfan J., Mourragui M., Landim C. Oberwolfach Reports (OWR). EMS Publishing House/MFO, Large scale Stochastic Dynamics. Volume 4, Issue 3. 2007.
  • Hydrodynamics of a disordred lattice gas with random reservoirs. Mourragui, M., Orlandi, E. Oberwolfach Reports (OWR). EMS Publishing House/MFO. Phase Transitions. Volume 4, Issue 2. 2007.
  • Large deviations from a macroscopic scaling limit for particle systems with Kac interaction and random potential. Mourragui, M., Orlandi, E. Oberwolfach Reports (OWR), EMS Publishing House/MFO 1. Issue 4, p. 2266-2268. 2004.


  • Comportements hydrodynamiques et grandes déviations des systèmes de particules en interaction à l'équilibre et hors équilibre. Mustapha Mourragui. Document de synthèse en vue de l'obtention de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches, soutenue le le 30 novembre 2012. [PDF]