Publications Mustapha MOURRAGUI
- Kuoch, K, Mourragui. M, Saada, E. : A boundary driven generalised contact process with exchange of particles: hydrodynamics in infinite volume. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 127, N. 1, p.135–178. (2017) [HAL]
- Large deviations of the empirical current for the boundary driven Kawasaki process with long range interaction. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 11 (2) 2014. p. 643-678. [PDF]
- Hitting times of rare events in boundary driven symmetric simple exclusion processes. Journal of Statistical Physics. Volume 153, Issue 6. 2013. p. 967-990. [arxiv]
- Boundary driven Kawasaki process with long-range interaction: dynamical large deviations and steady states. Nonlinearity volume 26 2013. p. 141-175. [HAL]
- Quenched large deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac interaction and Random Field. Markov Processes Relat. Fields volume 18 2012. p. 215-268. [HAL]
- Hydrostatics and dynamical large deviations of boundary driven gradient symmetric exclusion processes. Stoch. Proc. Appl. volume 121, N. 4. 2011. p. 725-758. [HAL]
- Dynamical large deviations for the boundary driven weakly asymmetric exclusion process. Ann. Probab. volume 37, N. 6. 2009. p. 2357-2403. [arxiv]
- Lattice gas model in random medium and open boundaries: hydrodynamic and relaxation to the steady state. Journal of Statistical Physics. Volume 6. 2009. p. 685-714. [HAL]
- Large deviations from a macroscopic scaling limit for particle systems with Kac interaction and random potential. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré, Probabilitès, Volume 43. 2007. p. 677-715. [pdf]
- Hydrodynamics of a driven lattice gas with open boundaries: The asymmetric simple exclusion. Markov Processes and Relat. Fields. Volume 10. 2004. p. 89-112. [pdf]
- Macroscopic evolution of particle systems with random field Kac interaction. Nonlinearity. Institute of Physics Publishing. Volume 16. 2003. p. 2123-2147.
- Hydrodynamical limit for a nongradient interacting particle system with stochastic reservoirs. Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen. Probab. Volume 45, N. 4. 2000. p. 694-717.
- Hydrodynamical limit for a nongradient interacting particle system with stochastic reservoirs. Translation in Theory Probab. Appl. Volume 45, N. 4. 2002. p. 604-623.
- Phase segregation dynamics for the Blume-Capel model with Kac interaction. Stoch. Proc. Appl. Volume 88. 2000. p. 79-124. [pdf]
- Hydrodynamic limit of mean zero asymmetric zero range processes in infinite volume. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré. Volume 33, N. 1. 1997. p. 361-385.
- Entropie relative et comportement hydrodynamique des processus de sauts, de naissances et de morts. Ann. Inst. Henri. Poincaré. Volume 32, N. 3. 1996. p. 361-385
- Limite hydrodynamique d'un processus de sauts, de naissances et de morts. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Volume 316, N. 3. 1993. p. 921-924.
- Hydrodynamic behavior and large deviations of boundary driven exclusion processes in dimension . Oberwolfach Reports (OWR). EMS Publishing House/MFO, Large scale Stochastic Dynamics. Volume 4, Issue 3. 2007.
- Hydrodynamics of a disordred lattice gas with random reservoirs. Oberwolfach Reports (OWR). EMS Publishing House/MFO. Phase Transitions. Volume 4, Issue 2. 2007.
- Large deviations from a macroscopic scaling limit for particle systems with Kac interaction and random potential. Oberwolfach Reports (OWR), EMS Publishing House/MFO 1. Issue 4, p. 2266-2268. 2004.
- Comportements hydrodynamiques et grandes déviations des systèmes de particules en interaction à l'équilibre et hors équilibre. Document de synthèse en vue de l'obtention de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches, soutenue le le 30 novembre 2012. [PDF]