
Atelier des doctorants 07/11/2017

Théorèmes Centraux Limite : Méthode de Lindeberg et Principe de Conditionnement

Mardi, 7 novembre 2017 - 14:00 - 15:00
Cette présentation traitera des Théorèmes Centraux Limite (TCL) et plus particulièrement de deux techniques de démonstration
employées pour les obtenir : la méthode de Lindeberg, introduite par Jarl Waldemar Lindeberg en 1922 et le principe de
conditionnement, introduit en 1986 par Adam Jakubowski. Nous y discuterons des méthodes ainsi que de certaines applications
concernant les champs aléatoires, les martingales ou encore les processus ARCH et GARCH introduits respectivement par Robert

GT Stat 20180111

Rates of convergence of averaged stochastic gradient algorithms : locally strongly convex objective

Jeudi, 18 janvier 2018 - 10:15 - 11:15

An usual problem in statistics consists in estimating the minimizer of a convex function.
When we have to deal with large samples taking values in high dimensional spaces, stochastic
gradient algorithms and their averaged versions are efficient candidates.
Indeed, (1) they do not need too much computational efforts, (2) they do not need to store
all the data, which is crucial when we deal with big data, (3) they allow to simply update the

Atelier des doctorants 17/10/17

Atelier des doctorants du Mardi 17 Octobre 2017 :

Symétries de l'équation de Frey (une variante non linéaire de l'équation de Black-Scholes) et classification des sous algèbres de Lie.

Mardi, 17 octobre 2017 - 14:00 - 15:15

Afin de comprendre les paramètres qui constituent l'équation de Frey et comment elle a été obtenue, on présentera le contexte financier.

A la suite de cette introduction, on cherchera les symétries de cette équation. Pour cela on expliquera la méthode d'Olver qui consiste à se placer dans un espace plus grand et à utiliser le prolongateur d'Olver puis on l'appliquera pas à pas à l'équation en question.


Gradient flows and interacting particle systems

Lundi, 13 novembre 2017 - 11:00 - 12:00

Nonlinear diffusion is an example of a gradient flow which arises as hydrodynamic limit of interacting particle systems. We will explain recent attempts to connect the macroscopic gradient flow structure, given by a  functional (entropy/free energy) and a metric, directly to a microscopic interacting particle system. (Joint work with P. Embacher, C. Reina, M. Stamatakis and J. Zimmer)

Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate for a jump-type CIR process.

Jeudi, 26 octobre 2017 - 10:15 - 11:15

We consider a jump-type Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) process driven by a standard
Wiener process and a subordinator, and we study asymptotic properties of the maximum
likelihood estimator (MLE) for its growth rate. We distinguish three cases: subcritical, critical
and supercritical. In the subcritical case we prove weak consistency and asymptotic normality,
and, under an additional moment assumption, strong consistency as well. In the supercritical

Sequential detection of transient changes

Jeudi, 25 janvier 2018 - 10:15 - 11:15

This presentation addresses the problem of transient change detection. It is assumed that the duration of a transient change is usually short. In contrast to the conventional abrupt change detection, where the post-change period is assumed to be infinitely long, the detection of a transient change should be done before it disappears. The alert about the transient changes after their disappearance is considered as a missed detection.

Nonparametric estimation for multivariate data streams

Jeudi, 19 octobre 2017 - 10:15 - 11:15

We propose a sequential technique for the local polynomial estimation problem. We present our results in a context of data streams, for which we provide an asymptotic bias-variance decomposition of the considered estimator. Additionally, we study the asymptotic normality of the estimator and we provide algorithms for the practical use of the method in data streams framework.
