Journée Théorie Ergodique et Théorèmes Limites

Journée Théorie Ergodique et Théorèmes Limites

Mardi 27 février 2018

Salle de séminaire du LMRS M.0.1

organisation : Mohamed El Machkouri et Dalibor Volný


Limit Theorems in Ergodic Theory and Applications




09:30-10:00 Registration

10:00-10:55 Z. Kosloff (Jerusalem)

Asymptotics of the boundary of the range of random walks

(joint work with G. Deligiannidis)

11:00-11:55 J-P. Conze (Rennes)

Functional CLT for some multi-dimensional algebraic actions

(joint work with G. Cohen)

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:25 T. de la Rue (Rouen)

On Austin's proof of Tao's multiple ergodic theorem

14:30-15:25 D. Dragicevic (Zagreb)

Limit theorems of random dynamical systems via spectral method

(joint work with G. Froyland, C. Gonzalez-Tokman and S. Vaienti)

15:30-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-16:40 D. Thomine (Orsay)

Poisson equation and hitting probabilities for deterministic random walks