On multiple Change-point estimation for Poisson Process
Salle des séminaires M.0.1
Mots-clés: Inhomogeneous Poisson process; change-point; Bayesian estimator; maximum likelihood estimator; likelihood ratio process
This work is devoted to the problem of change-point parameter estimation in the case of the presence of multiple changes in the intensity function of the Poisson process. It is supposed that the observations are independent inhomogeneous Poisson processes with the same intensity function and this intensity function has two jumps separated by a known quantity. The asymptotic behavior of the maximum-likelihood and Bayesian estimators are described. It is shown that these estimators are consistent, have different limit distributions, the moments converge and that the Bayesian estimators are asymptotically efficient. The numerical simulations illustrate the obtained results.
We will talk brievely about a detection problem where several spatially distributed sensors observe Poisson signals emitted from a single radioactive source of unknown position. The measurements at each sensor are modeled by independent inhomogeneous Poisson processes. A method based on Bayesian change-point estimation is proposed to identify the location of the source’s coordinates. The asymptotic behavior of the Bayesian estimator is studied. In particular, the consistency and the asymptotic efficiency of the estimator are analyzed. The limit distribution and the convergence of the moments are also described. The similar statistical model could be used in GPS localization problems.
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